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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ouch! My Naivete!

This is relevant to the kitchen because it is about bees. And bees make honey. And I don't want to be in a kitchen that doesn't have any honey in it.
So if you've spent even a teeny bit of time with me over the last few years, you've heard me express outrage and concern over the mysterious disappearance of the honey bee in North America and Europe. If you haven't heard the news, google "Bee Crisis" and you'll get about 10,200,000 results. The mass disappearance of honey bees has been going on since 2006, only know one has been able to figure out why. Where the bees are going, what's happened to them, and what's causing it has remained a hotly debated mystery. Blame has been aimed everywhere, from cell phones to global warming to mass alien bee abduction. Pesticides also seemed like a likely source for the bee crisis, now sometimes termed Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD. However, the Environmental Protection Agency, you know, the government agency who's only job is to PROTECT the ENVIRONMENT, assured us that pesticides were not responsible for CCD, at least not the ones they approved. This is from the EPA's website, current as of June 2010, and their statement on pesticides is:
Our role in the federal response to CCD is to keep abreast of and help advance research investigating pesticide effects on pollinators. To date, we’re aware of no data demonstrating that an EPA-registered pesticide used according to the label instructions has caused CCD. While our longstanding regulatory requirements for pesticides are designed to protect beneficial insects such as bees, since 2007 we have been looking at many different ways of possibly improving pollinator protection.
you can view the entire page here, as maniac bloggers are well known for taking government quotes entirely out of context to suit their own paranoiac conspiracy agendas.
Now, call me crazy, ok well, you could probably call me many more colorful, apt, and insulting words at this point, but I reallyreally did think that the EPA might be one of those government agencies that really had the best interest of both humanity and the planet at heart, and of COURSE they would be crusaders for the noble honey bee, supplier of sweet nectar, pollinator of delicious produce, serenader of dulcet summertime soundtracks. That is until today, when I read this article on
You see, the EPA did know of a pesticide that they approved that was highly harmful to bees. Their scientists wrote them a nice 101 page report about the dangers, and potential long-term effects of using the pesticide. The actual report is linked to the article, and you can read it in its entirety. But it might make you cry. And then exclaim weird, mom-ish things like, "Mercy!" and "For shame!" and, "Won't somebody think of the children!?"
FOR SHAME, EPA! You are every bit as soul-less and horrible as the portrayal of you in the 1984 comedy blockbuster Ghost Busters, starring Bill Murray.
I'm looking in your particular direction, Risk Branch V!
Now it is unusual of me to wish harm on another being. I am forgiving by nature. But I also have gypsy blood and know how to lay a well-deserved curse when the situation demands, it, so let me sum up by saying, I don't know what your agenda was, but I sincerely hope that each and everyone one of the TO: recipients on that memo wakes up to a washing machine full of demon ghost bees hell-bent on stinging revenge. You Bastards.

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