The air is full of celebration! Or in other cases, cynicism and general pissed-off-ness. I understand, scrooges of the world. When looking at magazines and news coverage, the world seems grim indeed.
I go through brief moments where I have conversations with myself like " 'Jersey shore - the show' represents America?! What kind of people have we become?" Then I think of the plasticky women with the inflatable lips (for sexayness, you know) and that guy from Girls gone wild who almost went to jail then didn't, and the Kardashians happy holiday Christmas card...

And then my mind reaches that flow state where everything is hilarious.
Because the Romans had vomitoriums, and in the 1800's ladies passed out from lacing up their whole bodies in constrictive garments and having group seances instead of selling Tupperware, and there used to be fake doctors selling snake oil aplenty in pretty poisonous bottles before the pharmaceutical industry ever came into the picture. So what I'm saying is, people have always been crazy, and life is completely weird, and it'll probably always be. There's nothing to do but enjoy a tiny woman being dropped in a giant ball.
See? I wasn't being metaphorical.
Here's a recipe for GF corn dogs to go with that. Keep it classy.
- 1 cup Gluten Free Corn Meal
- 1-1 ½ cup Gluten Free Bisquick
- 2 eggs(beaten)
- 1 TBSP Sugar
- 1 cup Milk (you can use soy, almond, etc)
- Hot Dogs
- Sticks (optional)
Heat the oil for frying to about 350 degrees.
In a bowl add Corn Meal, Sugar, and 1 cup Gluten Free Bisquick. Stir together. Whisk in 2 eggs, and 1 cup of milk. The batter will be the consistency of thick pancake batter. If needed add extra bisquick to thicken.
Now place the hot dogs onto sticks, or cut into bite sized pieces.
Once the hot dogs are prepared, roll them in batter until they are covered. Quickly drop them into the oil and allow them to fry about 3-5 minutes until golden brown. You may need to flip them once.
Remove and place on a paper towel lined plate. Serve.
Makes enough batter for 1 package of Hot Dogs.
This recipe was found here - - and Molli & I are awfully grateful for it.
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