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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

it is best to be dubious of rock stars, and other mysterious happenings‏

I'm having an off week. I managed to delete myself from this very blog, for instance, and I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW. What's the opposite of a technological genius? That's me. Situations like this are exactly why I have not yet completed my *teleportation device. (*This is not related to my time travel device, as I have put those plans on indefinite hold based on some really terrible time traveling nightmares/possible future real life circumstances.)

And just now, I microwaved my dinner FOUR TIMES and kept forgetting to eat it. (Actually, it's sitting beside me right now. I never ate it. Now I am doubting the nutritional value of 4x microwaved food. Should I even bother?)

Other than this questionable microwaved heap of chili relleno, I have not been cooking much. So this post isn't going to have a recipe. I'm telling you now, in case you have other things to do.

Moving on with the general mystery!

This week, I applied to this job at an organic grocery store, and I got a reply from Jim Morrison. I looked up his number through reverse phone lookup and it said he was located in Santa Monica even though this job was in Raleigh. Now, I know what you are thinking. A "Jim Morrison" and a long distance phone number?! That is a red flag for spam! But what I thought was - JIM MORRISON'S GHOST IS CONTACTING ME FOR A LEGIT JOB! I left a message on his voicemail, which, by the by, featured a speaking voice which could definitely translate to Jim Morrison's singing voice.

Then today, I received received several text messages from a mysterious cell number that I did not recognize. Because I forget stuff, and people, and details, ALL THE TIME. I reverse-phone-number looked it up in the white pages, but all the white pages told me was that it was local, which doesn't help, because probably I've forgotten a lot of things/people locally as well as internationally.

Mysterious Text: Are you OK? haven't heard from you in a while, hope you are doing well :)
(My Internal Dialogue: "Crap, what have I done to make people think I'm not okay? and... oh man, this person is SO NICE, they hope I am doing well. with a smiley face! what kind of person am I to not remember whose number this is?!")

My Actual Reply: All is well... Who is this? I don't have this number saved, which is prolly why you haven't heard from me.

Mysterious Texter: It is your favorite friend in North Carolina you poo poo head!
(My Internal Dialogue: "Clearly this IS my friend because only my most Favorite friends would call me a poo poo head!" Then I felt worse about forgetting.)

My Actual Reply: That is probably true based on the fact that you just called me a poohead.

Mysterious Texter: Its Vicki Lynne you douche that says alot you weinie

(This is where I got really confused. Because I know a VickY who is very particular about the spelling of her name, but this "Vickie" didn't even mention bourbon once, and VickY always does cause she's a classy classy lady. And I know a Lynn who changed her name to Lynae. But I don't know a Vickie Lynn. I don't think. Even though she appears to be my favorite. So instead I decided to change the subject.)

Me: I love refreshing insults in the morning! Mm.

Vicki Lynne: WTF I am offended you didn't know it was me!

Me: It IS a shame how I don't have a photographic memory. I am disappointed in that ALL the time.
I didn't hear from Vicki Lynne again, which is sad since she is my favorite person in North Carolina.

And Jim Morrison never called me back.

**update: Jim Morrison emailed me back.
**And Vickie Lynne texted again. But I ignored her. She seems difficult.


  1. You have to tell us what Jim Morrison emailed! It's killing me! Does he want you for the job? Is the front an organic grocery store, but he really wants you recording tunes in the back when no one comes?

  2. Oh yes! Well, I'm sad to say that he sent me almost the exact email as the first time.

    And that is when I realized that Jim Morrison has totally sold out. You can't even trust a rock star's ghost to not-spam you. Jim is workin' for the Man now, and I'm bored of him already, and now we can never act out the whole pottery scene from Ghost. Sigh.
